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LegitHyperbole said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

Beaten the final boss is 16 or 17 tries

Super cheap boss if you are a ranged unit, you need to go aggressive to have a chance. I tried to run and was always decimated, but when I stick with aggressive gameplay and Ashe of War spamm a finally managed to beat them

For the second phase Golden Braid and Golden Light Fortification kept me alive when the flash lights started popping

Blasphemous Blade did the trick for offensive (use the heaviest armor you can wield to not be poise-break during the fight), very good range and with help of Shard of Alexander great damage output

Beat it in level 228, didn't need to grind or collect additional weapons.

At Level 210 NG+ and the DLC feels easier than normal game at Level 170. Like, waaaaay easier. Just killed the same enemy that made me rage quit no problem. Maybe I'm in better form but I see chunks of health coming out of enemies now where it was chip damage before. Scadu is only one Level higher too, Idk what the maths are but NG+ doesn't effect things in the games favour. 

Maybe your build now is better? 

I started on NG at level 170 and damage output was never a problem for me