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pokoko said:
curl-6 said:

See this is why I no longer consider myself a leftist; over the past decade or so the left have become so nasty, so intolerant, so totalitarian, that calling for the murder of those who disagree with them is the norm now.

Bullying, coercion, threats, exclusion, its all par for the course for the modern left. Anyone who doesn't submit to their opinions is relentless attacked and abused, and it's disgusting.

I don't like Trump, but the fact much of America is seriously leaning towards an obvious conman who tried to overthrow democracy rather than the left speaks volumes about how utterly toxic the left has become.

If they're serious about defeating the alt right, leftists need to wake up and deal with the extremists within their own ranks who have hijacked their movement.

And as far as a threat to Democracy, the Left taking over both the media and higher education while having zero reservations about using their new-found wealth and power to spread propaganda and control the flow of information is far more dangerous than anything Trump could do on his best day.  

What has the left done in this position that compares to trying to overturn an election you lost as far as "threat to Democracy" goes?
