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I think I've beaten all main bosses except the final one. I'm over 30 hours already, I think I will take 5-6 more to finish 

Currently level 17 fragments. I'm sure I can find more as I didn't exhausted exploration in some places 

Messmer was really fun, beat him in 11 tries which is more than any boss took me in base game (I think Malenia took me more than that in my first playtrough but I'm not sure). Very fast combos and few window to attacks. Ranged incantations saved my ass (but he's resistant to fire and lightning so it took a while to kill him). Actually Mimic tear killed him, as I was too busy rolling and trying to survive his combos 

Bayle was also epic, needed 2 tries

Midra was also fun, took him in 4 tries. Resistance to fire is the way to go here. His area is creepy and is totally unfair the game do not teach you need to parry the mobs to break their poise otherwise you're dead 

Expected more of Commander Gaius, beat him first trie. Same for Mother of Fingers. Scadutree Avatar take me 2 tries, wasn't expecting they to have 3 phases and 3 healthy bars

I disagree completely about this DLC being unfair. It's only unfair if you don't use the resources the game gives your. There are tons of talismans and incantations to make boss fights more manageable. Sometimes all that took me was to change the weapon and incantations, some ashes of war simply work bigger and some Talismans have good synergy

The only thing I'm finding negative on this DLC is the huge number of missable content. I get they want us to explore to find routes and such, but I don't think locking around 70% of the map and bosses around minucious exploration is good design. It will make replaying this DLC boring, specially because your level progression is ties to colldct scattered items in a huge map (unless you carry your level in NG+, if that's the case forget this complaint)