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curl-6 said:

See this is why I no longer consider myself a leftist; over the past decade or so the left have become so nasty, so intolerant, so totalitarian, that calling for the murder of those who disagree with them is the norm now.

Bullying, coercion, threats, exclusion, its all par for the course for the modern left. Anyone who doesn't submit to their opinions is relentless attacked and abused, and it's disgusting.

I don't like Trump, but the fact much of America is seriously leaning towards an obvious conman who tried to overthrow democracy rather than the left speaks volumes about how utterly toxic the left has become.

If they're serious about defeating the alt right, leftists need to wake up and deal with the extremists within their own ranks who have hijacked their movement.

You are such a newb, curl. And you spend too much time on the internet.

Social media is a plague because it's not properly moderated. What happens in such an environment is that more and more of the good people quit over time, so eventually the fringe of society constitutes the majority of active users. This means that the left - as an overarching entity that encompasses everyone who is not right - has actually not radicalized itself like you think, rather it's that the worst of the bunch are the most heard voices today. The left as an overarching entity is also not a movement, it's just a general description to describe where someone falls on the political spectrum.

So all that's here to see is how you engage in confirmation bias to justify it to yourself that you take a more radical position. This culminates in your comment about American voters where you suggest the left has driven people into the arms of Trump. But what really happened is that a channel like Fox News has been continually allowed to spread lies and bullshit with almost no consequences, so over the years people who consider themselves conservatives have been conditioned to not believe any other news sources while gobbling up everything that's on Fox News as the truth. The far-right has been normalized because the USA lacks the laws to contain something like Fox News. In European countries any news outlet who constantly engages in so much fearmongering and falsehoods gets banned, such as the localized versions of Russia Today.

But in America? Fox News already does its part in reframing the insurrectionists from January 6th as great patriots and political prisoners. Once that and similar things become recognized as the truth, then the world gets turned upside down. Hence why now the majority of Americans considers Putin a better president than Biden. Yes, Putin the dictator who fights against freedom of speech and basically every American value. That's the level of ignorance we are talking about here. If any republican of the second half of the 20th century would have been frozen in time and woke up right now, they wouldn't recognize their party anymore.

Most importantly, you have to remember that leadership has gone back and forth between democrats and republicans for a very long time in the USA. The number of republicans did not grow due to the left or any part of the left, instead the republican party has been morphed into something else.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.