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I think we'll see Newsom, Whitmer, Shapiro, Warnock, Beshear in 2028.

But I do think almost all of them are too early to replace Biden now (in less than 5 months!) and it'd be throwing a hail mary grenade, which could massively backfire, not only losing the Dems the election but killing a promising political career if they lost to Trump, nobody wants the cloud of being a loser attached to their political career, Lol.

You'd be throwing them into the deep-end with little prep as well.

Also tossing aside Harris wouldn't be a good look even if her polling isn't great, they'd have an instant battle of "Dems in chaos" and "Dems can't even get behind their president" and "Dems are racist for tossing aside Harris" (I'm not saying I agree with any of these but they'd be instant attack angles and even the media will probably spread the "Dems in chaos" one).

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 5 days ago