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What I saw last night was the worst debate in history. It had to be. There's no way any other could've been more miserable.

You know, before last night, I thought maybe Biden still had SOME remote like 25% chance of winning, and the bar was so low for him in this debate because nobody had any expectations of him to speak of and reportedly he'd spent weeks rigorously preparing for it, doing mock debates and all that (unlike Trump), but...yeah that theory's blown about 30,000 feet out of the water! I had low expectations of Biden going into this debate and he still managed to underwhelm even those. By a lot. The man I saw last night is not fit to be president. Not now at this moment and certainly not after another four and a half years of further mental and physical decline. He cannot handle the job. He has to be replaced. I don't care how. He may need some weeks of new polling data to process just how bad this was for him, but if that doesn't persuade him to drop out of the race then I'm for a brokered convention. Anything. Practically any other Democrat could do a better job! Biden has to quit. He cannot win. He doesn't even deserve to win! And I'm saying this as someone who voted for him last time.

I'm sorry to the liberals if it seems I'm hyperventilating here, but take this into consideration: not surprisingly, the first CNN poll of debate watchers -- which was most of the population -- found that two-thirds considered Trump the winner. That just says it all. Of course he won. Anyone could've beaten Biden in that debate! I'm an introvert who stumbles and struggles for words when conversing in-person myself and I say with confidence that even I could've beaten him! It doesn't matter where he theoretically stands on the issues at this point (whether he really managed to save Covid from Medicare or not, for example ), his cognitive state alone is disqualifying and will be seen that way by the public. If you like me are not in the Trump camp then it's officially time to panic. All options should be the table. Except renominating Biden.

Speaking of which, I mean would anyone seriously object to Biden being replaced at the convention? Like if you voted to renominate Biden earlier this year and you watched that debate last night, would you seriously make a fuss about your vote "being stolen from you"? Would the convention really go down in flames over it like it was 1968 all over again? Does anyone in America really love Joe Biden that much? I seriously doubt it. I don't think they do. Practically nobody would care about the process. It couldn't possibly hurt. Brokered convention. It's an option. I'm just saying!