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only777 said:

Getting Biden out is no where near as simple as this.

Please read this piece by the BBC:

Can Biden be replaced as Democrat nominee?

in the future, I’d use a trusted information resource and not a comedy show for this sort of thing.

Looks pretty simple to me. All it takes is for Biden to say that he isn't healthy enough anymore, so he is withdrawing from the election. Given what was on TV last night, no sane person would doubt this reasoning. After all, this isn't just about being mentally capable enough to win the election in 2024, but also being trusted to be a competent president through the year 2028.

The concerns about elected delegates are overblown anyway. The whole system of primaries is known to be rigged (key term: super delegates), so who would be upset if the procedure isn't followed through for the purpose of a good cause. What's at stake here is if the USA continues to be a democracy.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.