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Ryuu96 said:

Yeah. Trump's installations first time around have caused a regression in women's right even during a Biden presidency, they at the time caused a regression in global climate policies, he threw allies under the bus and weakened American relationships, Trump not only affected America but also other countries across the world. Not only that but the nutjobs he put into Supreme Court will last a lifetime and now he'll likely be able to put even more in. Doesn't matter if he only lasts 4 years if he stacks the Supreme Court with MAGA idiots.

Project 2025 as well is a real attempt by Republicans. It's not only scary for America's democracy, women's rights, LGBTQ+ communities, but a scary thing for Ukraine, European security. Even if we were fine, I'm not a nationalist who only cares about the people in my country, Lol. But you're right, if Europe was more independent it would be less scary but we simply aren't ready yet.

I also agree from what I've seen, Biden was passing a lot of infrastructure, policies, domestically he seemed to be doing great, foreign policy wise he put America back on the map, he made America respected once again, he did the objectively correct, moral decision, in supporting Ukraine and then fucked it up by supporting Israel so hard but not like Trump wouldn't also do the same. The economy is hurting but guess what, it's fucking hurting across the entire world and by comparison, America is doing better than quite a few European countries.

Republicans aren't going to fix the economy, they never do, especially not Trump, I'm going to laugh in the face of any Republican who thinks Trump will genuinely fix the economy, heck they might not even do anything about the border since it's one of the few things they can actually campaign on, he did nothing the last time except build a useless war and now he's back to "MAGA!" after conning his fanbase the first time around, Lol.

UK elections are very much more a "FUCK OFF TORIES" than a "YAY LABOUR" that I agree, I'm loving it though Ey I at least think Labour will be better than Tories...And at least no major party in the UK shills for Russia...Once again I ask, what the fuck happened to Republicans? Also Biden really answered some of the questions poorly, immigration? Republicans blocked the damn bill, women? Republicans are blocking abortions, Ukraine? Most the damn aid stays in America and benefits Republican held states!

I'm with you that I think Biden was doing great, until Gaza, if Israel/Gaza never happened then I'd have very few criticisms of the man but now I have quite a big one but I'm just now in the stance that, so many more people will suffer under Trump and Trump will not save Gaza so it's a balancing act of who suffers the worse under which president, I fucking hate Netanyahu and I hope after the election someone can talk sense into Biden (if he wins) but I'd have to bite my lip and vote Biden if I was American knowing that Trump will get a lot more people killed.

And the immediate consequence of Trump winning, he has told Orban that he won't send anything to Ukraine, he will get Ukraine killed and I don't think Americans realise how much Europe needs America to keep Russia's aggression at bay, are the Baltics and Eastern European countries meant to just sit back and watch Ukraine be slaughtered because of America? I wouldn't be surprised if that pushes them to sending troops into Ukraine except we won't have America backing us which puts us in a much more vulnerable position....

Unbelievable what it has come down to. The choice between one backing one genocide, or one backing two genocides...

Yes, Biden is the lesser of two evils.

If Trump wins Europe will have its hands too full with Russia to have any meaningful input in the mess evolving in the Middle East. If Biden wins nothing will change in the Middle East from the US side, but at least Europe will still be able to look beyond their immediate dangers.

Trump is a real danger not only to geopolitics but also to the US itself. Trump is the very definition of "Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%" yet somehow people continue to buy his crap. Of course Biden fits that as well, but at least he still has (had) some redeeming qualities.

Maybe GenZ can do better in the future, next 4 years are going to be dire regardless who wins. And we're not even fully into the effects of climate change refugees, water and energy crisis, while existing infrastructure keeps declining. The things that we should be focusing on.

Current politics feels a lot like re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic :/

People have the power in the US, there are other parties. Yet they choose to continue to ignore them.