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Chrkeller said:

Trump is going to be president because liberals were stupid enough to run Biden when clearly his mental capability isn't there.

Well done DNC.

Biden is not fit to be president for another four years, but as far as I know, it has yet to be finalized that he will be the democrats' candidate (would happen in August). So nothing is lost yet, because there's clearly enough time left to change course and nominate someone else. And they should.

From what I gathered - from the Daily Show's analysis of course - Trump isn't going to win over undecided voters with his performance, because he did all of his usual things. The actual damage from this debate is that many people are now less inclined to vote for Biden, so there's an opportunity to fix things and it's all in the hands of the democrats.

Also, I don't think the democrats have to worry too much about who they nominate instead of Biden, because of how basic the questions in this year's election are. The majority of Americans does not want Trump as president, so any at least half-decent alternative that emits confidence will be good enough. Biden is not up to this task anymore due to his age, but it's not like democrats are short of viable and much younger options.

At this point it wouldn't hurt the democrats if they were bolder. In 2020 they picked Biden because he was the safest option as former vice president under Obama; Biden ran a campaign of bringing Americans back together, but four years later nothing has really changed about the divide. So instead of a strategy of appeasement to the far-right, borderline far-right and those who sympathize with the far-right, a strategy of smackdown would be more appropriate. Don't try to make friends with Trump fans, don't try to extend their hand to them, just call them out for the lunatics they are. Give confidence to the people who'd like the USA to remain a democracy. The democrats' platform shouldn't be about how they can satisfy Trump fans, but rather about how they can satisfy the majority of the USA.

Because the strategy of appeasement seems to always fail. Appeasing the anti-vaxxer movement led to growth for said movement, appeasing Putin resulted in escalation, appeasing anti-immigration folks only ever leads to more and more people believing that all immigration does is threatening life and prosperity.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.