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G2ThaUNiT said:
JRPGfan said:

What do you guys think about this?
A content DLC (quest) for Starfield, costs 7$ and is basically just a run and gun, mission that takes less than 20m to complete.
(author thinks if you had a really power character, high level, you could do it in half that time)

Would you pay 7$ for a "bethesda made" quest, thats then possibly done in 10 minuets?

Definitely not. That can quickly become a domino effect of Bethesda trying to paywall additional quests that they make down the line, into ESVI even, that can then extend to other developers/publishers to try to paywall story-based content. Which is not something I will support. Horse Armor DLC all over again

I personally have no qualms with paid mods, but, it has to be mods from the community! Someone who spent weeks making a piece of content themselves, entire questlines even, deserves to have some sort of royalty for the work they put in. 

But developer made mods, absolutely not. And from what it sounds like Todd is alluding to, this isn't going to be the last time they try this. Feels like a worse type of microtransaction. 

Let me ask this question because from what I have read about the creation club and the modders there, they are paid like employees but they are not employees.  Meaning that BGS pay them to make mods and I believe they also get a royalty percentage as well of sales.  These guys are not actually BGS employees they are just modders who signed up for the creator club.  I believe the difference is that their stuff is QA unlike your average modder content and it goes through some form of review.

I do not believe this is microtransaction but instead a way to get modders who really want to make a career doing mods actually have a means to make money from their work which can support them.  Gamers seem to forget that it takes a lot of time, resources and effort to make mods and when you have a job, bills, life, family all asking for your time, getting paid is one way to help support the effort.  The only difference is that if its paid that means there will be a higher standard held for that content an thus it cannot be half baked efforts.  I personally have no issues paying for content no matter who makes it as long as its up to a quality level I deem worth my money.