That video is interesting and I could see it happening, but unless the form factor is different, then the PS6's huge spec advantage by 2028 will be enough that people will flock to it, and then it will be regarded as by far the most powerful console for the next 4 years until the next Xbox comes out in 2032, and developers will have a hard time. We will see all kinds of Baldur's Gate 3 situations, or just straight up entire games skipping the Next Box from 2028-2032 until they release the one beyond that.
The sales between 26-28 will be phenomenal, and they will win over some PS guys, but by the time PS6 comes out 2 years later what are you gonna do?
If they had a 3 year head start that's probably enough time to get the profits the division would need before the PS6 comes, plus they could then launch the next console at most 3 years later from then, but maybe 2?
I think the smartest moves for MS would be to:
-Launch Next box in 2025 to shock us all. PS6 comes 2028, then MS launches next console in 2030. MS could start doing 5 year cycles to get a jump on Sony and not let Sony have the market for more than a couple years when they launch a more powerful system.
-Sign an agreement with Nintendo. MS makes the "home console" while Nintendo makes the "Hybrid" going forward, with all games from both companies coming to both devices. Both companies keep their first party profits selling on both devices as if they sold on an exclusive device. This would greatly reduce the impact of the Next PlayStation launching. What if the reason for the missing console details on that video for Xbox *and* the delay for Switch 2 are not coincidental? What if both companies are gearing up for a major partnership for next gen?
*Yeah, they could also go full third party, but I don't see them doing that. There is a tremendous marketing power for your other business models by them keeping the Xbox line going. People may not realize it, but if you own a product from a company, you're likely to get other products from that same company. It's why there are so many Apple ecosystem fanatics. If you own an Xbox, you are more likely to use a PC over Apple, more likely to use Office 365 Suite Tech over Google, etc. And don't come at me with anecdotal responses, yeah I'm talking about likelihood, of course there are exceptions to averages. MS, more than anything, wants people to buy into their eco system, and losing an entire arm of their business with younger people, and therefore losing an outreach to get those people to buy into their ecosystem, whether consciously or subconsciously, is unacceptable to them.