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LegitHyperbole said:
Hiku said:

As we could do in the base game.
If there are game breaking builds in the DLC, like there were in the base game, that's a good thing imo.
It's optional.

But it's not fun to turn in into a turn based one button game. Why won't they allow for fast melee builds to have the same chance, pretty sure even magic builds are not viable on some bosses. You have to build towards defence eith that sheild... nah.  

Playing defensively is not cheesing, but anyways. I'll give some reason to you here about fast paced meele builds being weaker than defensive builds

But this is inherited from base game. ER makes strength build stronger than dexterity builds, because of how important poise breaking is. High STR builds when done right allow more free stats to put in VIG and END, which makes a sound difference. Also you can punish enemies stronger when breaking their poise and inflicting hits. The same holds true to enemies who attack you, when you're tank they will have hard time delivering punishing combos 

This was always true in the base game. After 6 playstroughs and can say DEX-focused builds are the weakest in the game. This must be more evident in the DLC when the enemies are stronger and more punishing 

However you don't need to go full DEX. DEX-INT and DEX-ARC, or even DEX-FAI are all strong and viable. You can still be a fast meele fighter, but you will need to understand the weakness of this kind of playstyle and learn how to solve them

Full caster magic Builds are viable for this DLC as well, although they definitely will feel less overpowered compared to the base game where you can wreck-comet-azured most of bosses