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pikashoe said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

Started the DLC with my Paladin build 50 VIG, 30 END, 25 MID, 40 STR, 30 DEX and 70 FAI

No major problems whatsoever, the difficulty is pretty tame and the rage about unfairness is, as I thought, overblown

The NPC and bosses are much smarter and have better movesets. I like the fact some mobs have skills and combos instead of just repeating the same attack patterns. Watching my roomie struggling with Dancing Lion was fun, he's used to spam sorceries like Cometer Azur and Meteor of Asteel in every boss and now he's needing to find options because the bosses were very well thought to avoid those cheap builds. 

The map design is really intricate and a huge step over the base game where the maps are basically open fields. Here I can really see the true Dark Souls philosophy. They manage to made a open-world game with very tight levels and vertically. I'm impressed, they are really the best developers in the industry right now 

Can't wait to find better armor, weapons and talismans 

Yeah I'm not really seeing the insane difficulty here. It's definitely harder than the base game but like the base game if you are having trouble you can just explore somewhere else get stronger and come back.

Idk, I went back to Melania and I'm doing better against her than the Shadow keep red clocked dudes/sheild knights. I guess it's time to give in and get a guide for scadutree fragments. Hopefully that'll be enough. I seen the last boss on stream, seems like it could be the hardest soulsborne boss yet. Seeing Charlie White struggle with him is very discouraging.