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Mummelmann said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Wait, the NPC summons is why I was doing chip damage then? I feel slightly less disappointed in myself. What's the highest level you can get to with Scadutree and ashes before Rellana?

I think the max is 5, at least that's all the fragments I could muster. I used my clone to great effect; we proced bleed in a massive lump and took the last third of her HP in one smash. After dumping the NPC summon, it took me 3 tries, I recommend it!

I took down another bothersome knight as well, the arena was really tight and the camera killed me more often than not. I found a clever strategy though, and managed to no-hit him in the end (I'm a bit ashamed of the cheese).

I'm Scadutree level 9 now and doing good damage, most mobs don't hit that hard anymore either. It's been fun, for the most part. I just arrived at a junction where I assume another boss is waiting, I need some rest before I try any more now.

Thanks so much man, Taking the summons is where I was going wrong, the bosses HP bar doubles. Rellana is so much more manageable now, I got her to 20% a few times with mimic tear alone. And yes, the camera sucks but what's new for souls/borne and cramped areas.