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If the available production lines produce 4K chipsets, it is faster and cheaper to put that chipset in the OLED than to set up a new production line.

He also gave you excellent reason why the had docks have a 4k output.

These points don't make any sense. First of all, Nintendo still mass produces the regular Mariko chipset for the regular non-OLED Switch and Switch Lite.

So to change the OLED chip only to a new chipset and a new dock for no reason creates two production lines for no reason. They could have just used the regular dock and the regular Mariko chip. 

They not only created a 4K dock for no reason, they purposely changed the DP lanes on the Mariko chip for the OLED model itself, the only point in doing that is it allows a max 4K/60 fps output.

So basically you're arguing for streamlining production, but this does the complete opposite, they now have to have two production lines for different Switch models when they could have saved money and just had one.

The OLED model has a different fan and different exhaust vents too for seemingly no reason. Again why are you changing the internal heat dissipation layout if you already have one in the old Mariko models that works for that chip at the lower clocks? Why are you now sourcing a different fan entirely for no reason? 

Even at overclock though the OLED model basically runs the same temps as the regular V1 Switch, even a little less in some cases I believe. 

My guess is they already had set up the production agreements for this new chip + dock and sank R&D money into it (as a Pro/4K model), so they may have been put in a position where cancelling production on this model altogether would've cost them even more in penalties and sunk R&D. Whether the OLED screen was supposed to be part of the the Pro/4K model all along or whether they pivoted and decided to slap that on after the fact and center the whole upgrade around that is anyone's guess. I think some years into the future we'll find out, much like the Game Boy Atlantis they admitted to like a decade plus later.

Last edited by Soundwave - on 23 June 2024