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haxxiy said:

I suppose that unlike reviewers a lot of players might also be a bit burnt out/out of patience after replaying the entire game, so there's that to take into account review-wise. So maybe things will calm down a little after a while (and more consistent strategies for the new bosses).

Or maybe not. While replaying ER despite being one of my favorite games I can't shake out the feeling, after seeing trailers for Wukong, Phantom Blade, etc. that if someone, someday, gets actual good gameplay right while reasonably mimicking From's level design - they'll just eat their lunch and walk away with it. Playing a game like 2009 Demon's Souls won't cut the mustard forever.

They can never get it right though, Mortal shell got the gameplay down, improved on the animations quite a bit even but other games just can't get the secret sauce. There's something more than the level design in DS games and base ER that makes it great and hard to quantify, right down to the atmosphere and ambience and itemization. Only From Soft can do that. Pity they get carried away with the git gud shit at times after they get praised and can't help but shoot themselves in the foot but people asked for it this time, they said Elden Ring was too easy, we got what the try hards wanted and not what the 99% of the rest of us wanted... just more Elden Ring. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 23 June 2024