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curl-6 said:

The reason it doesn't seem to be casting a light here is because the radius of the dynamic light doesn't reach as far as the objects around it; when it passes close over the metal barrier in the gif I posted, you can see that it lights it up:

To maintain performance they seem to have reduced the distance that the blasts cast light

The point is... The weapon *should* be casting light. It's balls of energy/light. The fact it's not is the very issue I am describing, the lighting is selective due to performance reasons.

Your Gif doesn't work.

Now in this shot, we have the blue weapons fire near the ground and the enemy impacted by the energy blaster, again... All flat lighting, nothing added to the scene.

I am going to assume there is a limitation to the number of lights depending on various loads in order to maintain 60fps.
But the dynamic lighting in Metroid Prime 4 is not it's strong point.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--