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pokoko said:
sundin13 said:

Ehh, I mean, Democratic policies often greatly benefit the working class. Dems are bad at messaging, but if someone looks to vote for the party that actual proposes policies to help the working class, dems are the ticket. 

Very few people are going to actually go down the list and compare the details hidden in enormous spending bills.  What they're going to do is listen to the media, as bad as that is, and to where the candidates are focusing their attention.  That's the simple truth.

And the things Democrats like to talk about the most are either unpopular or irrelevant to the working class.  This has been the pattern in one survey after another.

Polling of people by age shows that working aged people largely support the Democratic Party. So what you're saying is flat out bullshit.

The main thing I see democratic politicians talking about are ways to improve the situation for workers around the US. And based on the response of Republican mouthpieces, it seems clear that Republican supporters are heavily against pro-working class reform, not in favour of it.

Many Americans don't see what's going on despite being in the middle of it; a "can't see the forest for the trees" thing. But what is clear to anyone outside the US who is paying attention, the support for Trump and the Republican Party support is largely about those who have fallen under the sway of demagoguery. That's why one of the biggest demagogues in the recent history of the Western world (probably since World War 2) currently leads the Republican Party. That's why the support remains despite him being a convicted felon on top of numerous other issues spanning back years.

Unfortunately, history has shown that demagoguery is the one toxin that successfully kills democracy from within. We have plenty of examples through history where this has happened - right back to the early embryonic stages of Athenian democracy with the demagogue Peisistratos, who eventually made himself Tyrant of Athens ending the Solonian era.

Why have demagogues been successful? Because they associate themselves with the prejudice and fears of the masses. The cult eventually begins to associate the success of the demagogue with their own success - in other words, when demagogue does well, his cult feels like they're doing well; when the demagogue says he's victimized, the cult feels like they were victimized.

It's as simple as that.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.