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Bit of a weird thought experiment I've had since the Concord reveal and how much negative buzz it got.

While my mind is very much of a Nintendo fan, and thus going in a odd direction for this question, it did give me something to think about on a three hour drive a bit ago. Is that sort of reaction entirely because of the genre having so many entries and Concord not being really seen as having a place, or would it be different if the game was centered on a less crowded ecosystem. 

You do have hero shooters on the Switch, but certainly less of them than the PS and Steam ecosystems. So if Concord was instead a Nintendo only game pushed by Nintendo, would that create a different reaction? 

...But since then, I've had further thoughts as I suspect that the idea of 'Nintendo revealing a Hero Shooter's is a very different sort of beast than just 'what if Concord had different buttons'. After all, if Nintendo did make a Hero Shooter it would certainly have more differences in flavor. 

For one thing, its hard to say that it would actually have a similar art style or feel as the typical hero shooter. Nintendo's graphical styles tend to differ, especially as means to work with the hardware limitations. 

It would also have a serious chance of taking more after Splatoon than Overwatch, so you'd probably not have in-game purchases or battle passes, but it would certainly only be on Switch and probably have some of Splatoon's Japanese-based design takes that can annoy the western playerbase, like how maps are handled. Also who knows if it would have voice chat, though in turn I could see some form of single player content the way Splatoon games have (plus or minus some DLC expansions of that).

It would also probably come in about four flavors of what such a game would actually be. 

The first is something completely new. Like maybe Concord, or maybe something as Nintendo a take on the idea as Splatoon is. 

The second is something that is like the first, but they add in characters from other franchises in the Nintendo family as means of getting people's attention from time to time. Kind of like fan made Overwatch Link, but also anyone that might fit. Captain Falcon, Mach Rider, Mechanica, Samus....let's be honest, they would not be lacking. 

The third is basically 'Super Smash Overwatch' where the characters are all existing Nintendo characters made into Hero Shooter versions of themselves. Let's be honest, they have tons of options there even without going near the second party franchises like Pokemon, Fire Emblem, and Xenoblade (...and somehow I don't think it would be hard to see the latter two show up). 

The fourth is doing a Helldiver's 2 and taking an existing Nintendo I.P and making a Hero Shooter out of it. Honestly this could go in a lot of directions, though one thought I had at first was either Star Fox (if sticking closer to the usual template) or really dig deep and reinventing an obscureish IP. IDK, maybe Codename S.T.E.A.M or something? 

...Star Fox would have more to lose if such an experiment failed. 

So its a bit of a two-fold question: would Concord, unaltered, have been better received as a Nintendo-only Hero Shooter instead of sharing its space with tons of others, and would a Hero Shooter published by Nintendo, with the likely positives and negatives (probably being based on the Splatoon model, exclusivity, possible Nintendo character usage, decent chance of more single player content, the internet of Nintendo, etc) get a notably different reception assuming no obvious immediate problems? 

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?