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zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

Blame COVID, because it's pretty obvious the OLED was being prepped as a Pro/4K model otherwise. They opted to nix it and slap an OLED screen on instead but got stuck with a 4K dock + 4K altered chipset that they had already R&Ded and designed. So they basically just kept the dock and newer chip, even though there was no point to it. 

In an alternative time line they would probably have needed a Switch Pro by around 2021 as the Switch would've had a more natural sales decline. COVID just blew that out of the water entirely, they got essentially two free "peak years" with no natural aging or loss of momentum for the system at all. 

At that point you have to then start thinking about "ok, well what's going to be best for Switch 2". And the answer then is pretty obvious. 

That's your opinion.  giving developers the clock speeds df had In there analysis were super safe, and hardly gave a boost that anyone would call a pro but it would give gamers much a better experience. Like more stable 720p, 30fps or 60fps but they never cared about that after the GC.

No offense to DF but they are not using the most modern mods and OC software. They're not an authority on the topic of Switch home brew/overclocking at all. 

You also have to again understand this is not the max performance you would get on an actual official Switch Pro/4K, these are just brute force overclocks and there are resolution caps on a lot of these games too (these games aren't programmed to go over say 720p in a lot of cases, the chip could be 10x more powerful and it still wouldn't scale past 720p). You need the developer to actually sit down and program that aspect of it. 

But for higher resolution, you can see here 

At 20:40, he's able to run an EMULATED version of Lets Go Pokemon and Mario RPG at resolutions of 4K, which is insane because you have to consider the heavy overhead of emulating a system. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 20 June 2024