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Soundwave said:
zorg1000 said:

As for Zelda, Link’s Awakening was a remake but a remake of a game that was 26 years old at the time meaning to most gamers it was a new title.

Link’s Awakening (NSW)-6.63m (as of June 2023)

Legend of Zelda-6.53m

Phantom Hourglass-4.76m

Link to the Past (SNES)-4.61m

Adventure of Link-4.38m

A Link Between Worlds-4.28m

Oracle of Ages/Seasons-3.99m

Link’s Awakening (GB)-3.83m

Spirit Tracks-2.96m

Link to the Past (GBA)-2.82m

Link’s Awakening DX-2.22m

The Minish Cap-1.76m

It’s already the best selling 2D Zelda so people clearly are treating it like a new title and there is little reason to think Echoes of Wisdom is going to see a 2.5x increase over the best selling 2D title. It will probably sell in the 4-6 million range along with the other top selling 2D entries.

I don't even think 6 mill is happening for Echoes of Wisdom ... maybe 4 million. 

Link's Awakening came out much earlier in the Switch's product cycle and starred (well) Link.

Yeah I think it will follow the same trajectory that other 2nd releases on a platform have had.

NES-6.53m to 4.38m

N64-7.60m to 3.36m

DS-4.76m to 2.96m

Wii-7.50m to 3.67m

NSW-31.61m to 20.28m

I agree, ~4 million seems likely.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.