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zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

There is a good reason, you just don't like it, but if you were running their business I doubt you would do any differently. 

A Switch Pro that allowed games to run at 60 fps and potentially even some games at 4K (and there is a video that shows definitely the Switch can run 4K games) would be a serious problem for the Switch 2 because then you'd have a bunch of stubborn people saying "well, I already have 4K and 60 fps on my Switch Pro, why should I buy a Switch 2". 

After Wii U and 3DS, that's the last headache Nintendo needs, Switch is a massive success but by the same token now the real work begins because repeating it becomes harder (ask Iwata). 

I would do the exact same thing if I was in Furukawa's shoes.

But for people who want the extra performance, hey it's there for you really, it's not some giant mystery how to overclock a Switch these days. You can get 60 fps and even higher resolution in a bunch of games if you want it. 

 The switches hardware is made for a specific power draw. Boosting clock speeds, even more so for the gpu, will boost power draw and while the chip may be able to handle it we don’t know if the rest of the components in the switch can. Granted Nintendo DID enable the “boost mode” thing for switch and that boost clocks speeds on the cpu and lowers them on the gpu. That means it can clock higher and Nintendo knows it BUT the fact that they underclock the gpu says a lot

The Mariko (which is basically every Switch from August 2019 onwards) can easily overclock, the thing barely even gets warm, and you can see that fan speed doesn't even go above 50%. My brother's is modded, he gets about 3-4 hours of battery life even at max clocks. I'm just waiting for a Switch 2 so I don't care about doing it, honestly I don't really mind playing at 30 fps anyway, sure 60 is better but it's not something I lie awake in bed at night over. 

They were clearly planning a 4K/Pro Switch model though, there's no way they added 4K output to the dock and even changed the chipset itself (to allow it to output 4K60 max), so they were going to do it. 

In a few years they will probably just admit it, same way they initially said nothing about a Game Boy Atlantis model (32-bit successor) but then admitted to it years after the fact.