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Very cool. I had been sure for the past year or so that this game had been moved from Switch production to Switch 2. Cool that it's a Switch game. Looks fantastic. I just hope they give us remakes or even just basic HD ports of MP2 and MP3 before this game hits. I never played those two back in the day and would love to go through them before MP4 comes out. Maybe we'll just get a same-day drop of them like this Fall on a future Direct. Be good to release them before end of year so people have time to play them before Prime 4 hits.

And yeah it will also be interesting to see if they are gonna end up making this game cross gen and do something to upgrade the graphics for next gen version. Could be part of the reason this game has taken so long is because with how long it was already taking they decided to push it back to Switch 2 launch as a cross gen and had to make a graphically upgraded build for the next-gen version.