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Well considering my expectations that was certainly a great direct and would've a really nice one even with normal expectations! Nothing outright huge as expected but multiple new notable announcements and Prime 4 getting shown off was a lot better than I was expecting since I only expected one notable new announcement. Nice to see that the 2nd half of the Switch's final year will be better than its first half and it'll go out in a nice way! For all the gaming events the past few weeks this was probably the best one and I imagine Prime 4 will be a cross-gen launch title and certainly hope it is since it would be very beneficial for the game and the Metroid series. Also good that all Ace Attorney games will now officially be localized though the Layton one is still stuck on the 3DS which isn't ideal.

Also Mario RPG fans have been treated extremely well lately, not only a Super Mario RPG and Thousand Year door remake but a completely new Mario & Luigi game in the span of a year? That's quite a turnaround after how the past decade has gone. 

Last edited by Norion - on 18 June 2024