Lol, Windows Central overreacted to something that Todd Howard said in his interview with Mr. Matty and made an article saying that the Fallout 3 and TES 4 Oblivion remasters probably aren't in development. Jez then promoted said article with a tweet and then got called out in the comments and ended up deleting the tweet promoting the article. The writer of the article, Alexander Cope, missed several key details when writing the article:
- Matty specifically asked about remasters of the very old Elder Scrolls and Fallout games, ie Fallout 1 and 2, Elder Scrolls 1 and 2. Todd Howard said that remastering them would run of risk of destroying the original charm of the games due to quality of life updates being added in alongside graphical updates.
- Matty did not ask about remasters of modern era Fallout and Elder Scrolls games, so Elder Scrolls and Fallout starting with their 3rd entries. Considering that Matty has been one of the biggest proponents of games like Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout 3 needing to be remastered, it is highly unusual that he didn't ask Todd about them, which suggests he was given a list of questions he wasn't allowed to ask before the interview (common practice for interviews) and that Todd didn't approve of questions about remastering the more recent Fallout and TES games (which would presumably be because they are in development but the marketing department isn't ready to announce them yet, so he didn't want to be asked about them when he knew he would be able to do nothing more than say "no comment").
- Todd Howard said that Bethesda themselves don't currently have teams working on any Fallout remasters, but stopped short of saying that they don't have any 2nd/3rd party partner teams working on them (in the same interview he confirmed they do have an internal team that assists 2nd/3rd party partner studios). The original leak for TES 4 remaster stated that a 3rd party studio was developing it (the same studio that is assisting Konami on the MGS 3 Remake), not Bethesda themselves, so Todd saying that Bethesda themselves are focused on new titles doesn't rule out a 3rd party studio working on them.
- Todd Howard previously said, when the success of the Fallout show was announced a couple of months ago, that a Fallout project other than Fallout 76 was in development. However, in this new interview, Todd said that Fallout 5 is not in development yet. This means that the new Fallout project he teased two months ago is not Fallout 5, but probably either a Fallout remaster/remake or a new Fallout game from another studio (be it Obsidian or otherwise). A Fallout 3 Remaster is the more likely of the two options.