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Chazore said:
Chrkeller said:

Anyone know if Last of Us on PC has been fixed? I'd like to give it a go but heard horror stories on performance.

I don't own the game, but I decided to take a gander at Steam forums to gage for any outstanding issues and there are some from what I can see:

A quick trip to PCGaming Wiki shows me that there are still some unresolved issues, but there are user fixes that can be made in some areas (particularly Nvidia based).

Going by what I've found, it seems somewhat fixed, but there are still issues that really should be fully ironed out to make performance much smoother and crashes fewer. As a personal note, I tend to avoid games that come out the gate running like ass, because if it's AAA, their chances of fixing things to make it all smooth are lower vs Indie devs who actually rely on rep/early sales and try to work on perf, AAA just pocket the money half the time and run with it (Unless you're CDPR and your rep tanks so hard during 2077's release that they had to fix issues or face cases).

Thanks for the information.  I tend to agree with you and may just pass on the game.  I do not like rewarding bad behavior via lazy ports.  My $60 is better off on a good port.