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@padib He literally called us fools when he's the one using wiki as a source. He continues to spout "overlap" because wiki said so lol. The only thing he cited was the PS2's total software sales as of 2007 at 1.2 billion. Obviously the PS2 went on to sale more software after that since it wasnt discontinued until December 2012/January 2013. Thats like taking a screenshot of the Switch's current software total as of March 31, 2024 at the current 1.2 billion and saying it will never sale another game again. We literally showed him citations for more up to date figures as of March 31, 2012 (5 years after his 2007 cite) and he just brushes it off, clearly not even understanding the difference between sell-in and sellthrough. He doesn't value citation, he values ignorance. He's not even trying, he's just flat out trolling. It's sad because this is what I have to say about a fellow Nintendo fan. This level of trolling the PS2 is unnecessary because the Switch certainly has the edge now. Nintendo meeting their fiscal year goal puts Switch just short of 155 million. Even if Switch 2 launched in March, that still wouldn't be able to stop Switch from atleast crawling to 160 million.