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curl-6 said:

Success is subjective as there are multiple ways to quantify it; sales, profit, market share, cultural significance, etc.

Considering Switch to already be more successful than the PS2 is a reasonable opinion as while PS2 sold more units, Switch has made far more money.

If we're talking "best selling system ever" then right now its PS2, no question, but "success" is a murkier notion to define.

It has the most systems sold yes, but I consider the DS to be the most prolific selling system if you want to put it that way. 

The PS2 only outsold the DS because it was given like 4 more years to sell at bargain basement prices. 

If you give me 7 minutes to jog versus someone else who only has 5 minutes, odds are I'm going to run a longer distance than they can. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm the better long distance runner. 

The DS whupped the PS2's ass to 100 million and beat it again to 150 million. 

The only reason the PS2 has the record is 100% because Nintendo wanted people to buy 3DS' so they cut the DS off. Anyone who's being honest will admit that. Has zero to do with which system was actually more popular. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 13 June 2024