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BasilZero said:
JEMC said:

I can't say I'm hyped for the new Civ given that they haven't shown anything but the intro, if it's that. Maybe in August, when they're supposed to show the actual game, that will change.

But I can say that I played around 300 hours on Civ V (I honestly thought it was more than that), but not even one full round in Civ VI, that I got for free att he EGS. For some reason, it didn't click with me back then. We'll see how the new one looks.

For a first time player of any builder type game or Civ in general, which one do you recommend I should play?

I've got III, IV, V and Beyond Earth.

My opinion wasn't asked for and I'm bad at Civ, but based on my experience (IV, V, and VI), I'd go with V first. IV is a bit ugly and the doom stacks are ridiculous, but otherwise it's a very good game (or at least I thought so when I played it as my first Civ game a looong time ago). V is more modern and overall a very good game but definitely not perfect either (I think AI was cited as a problem, especially with the limit of one unit per hex?). I believe III has a good reputation as well, Beyond Earth not so much. I'm sure JEMC will be able to provide a much deeper opinion about the games with his experience, but that's my two cents based on my limited experience (just three games with at most 100 hours each).