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Finished "Devil May Cry 1" on Switch

Game: Devil May Cry
Genre: Action
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
System: Nintendo Switch (NS)
Year of Release: 2019
Length of Playthrough: 6 Hours

Score: 80 out of 100

+1080p docked and 720p portable, with 60 FPS
-High difficulty curve
-Not part of a collection (digitally)
-Animation/visual glitches

Score wise comparison sake of all the games in the series I played....

Devil May Cry (PS2): 81
Devil May Cry HD (PS3): 81
Devil May Cry HD (PS4): 82
Devil May Cry (NS): 80
Devil May Cry 2 (PS2): 60
Devil May Cry 2 HD (PS3): 60
Devil May Cry 2 HD (PS4): 60
Devil May Cry 3 Dante's Awakening (PS2): 95
Devil May Cry 3 Dante's Awakening Special Edition HD (PS3): 98
Devil May Cry 3 Dante's Awakening Special Edition (PS4): 99
Devil May Cry 4 (PS3): 87
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition (PS4): 89
DmC Devil May Cry (PC): 88


Started on Bravely Default II on Switch