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twintail said:
Machiavellian said:

Just wondering about your Indy comment.  From a person who grew up watching the first Indiana Jones movie and all the sequels, this representation of Indy is spot on. There was no real gameplay showing in this trailer but what was shone as far as presentation was right on point with how the character is portrayed in the films especially the first 3 which is more relevant.  Its hard to describe but this is to me probably the most realistic representation of the character and the first  movies I have seen in a game.  I am wondering if you have seen the first 3 movies or even like the character in general.

One thing about the showcase for me is that  a lot of games are coming to GP and out of those games everyone of them I want to play.  For someone who has invested in GP like I have, to see so many games of different types coming to the service makes my decision of investing in the service worth its price.  There was nothing that blended one into the other for me as I thought there was enough separation of different genre from one to another so that you did not get fatigue watching 5 FPS in a row or something along those lines.

I've seen the movies, but admittedly I'm not an Indy fan. So, I appreciate that the game has the right vibe going for it and if that's part of the appeal, then I won't be one to disagree.

But that said, I'm not exactly why so much of the showing was dedicated to this cutscene, which I don't think was particularly well put. And the moments of gameplay leave a lot to be desired.

I'm not saying I think Indy will be a bad game (granted I'm not sold on the gameplay right now), but I don't think this showing was what the game needed.

I'm not a GP user myself but it definitely seems worth the investment considering what's coming. 

I believe they concentrated on this particular cutscene because its a really good representation of the actual character, tone and vibe including the story.  The voice actor for Indy sounds like young Harrison Ford and does not sound forced. 

Suttle points in the cinematic like how the enemy soldier act, how Indy responses through conversation of just animation queues as all spot on.

I believe they have showed enough of the gameplay from the last showing of the game to get a feel that the game will not be Uncharted/ Tomb Raider and really, I am not sure if showing more of it really does anything.  It does not appear this is going for anything like the 3rd person action/adventure game popularize by TombRaider and Uncharted especially since its First Person.  If you kind of think about it, the game wants you to feel like you are Indy which is why I believe they chose first person instead of 3rd person.

I do understand if the game does not appeal to someone, but I was wondering if that appeal for the game for me is because it really tries to replicate that Indiana Jones feel and tone that the first 3 movies had compared to someone else who really did not grow up on the series like I did.  From comments I have read from other sites, it seem to be that way.  For gamers who have no real connection to the Indy movies, especially the first 3, seeing that cutscene had no real impact but from others like myself who I have talked with, it was the cut scene that made them take more interest in the game because how it really seems to give you that Indy feel you felt when you first saw the first movie.  Its going to be very interesting to see how this game reviews and sell but I more interested in the game now then I was during the gameplay from the last reveal.