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twintail said:

Pretty stacked showing, which is expected of the MS showcase.

Surprisingly lack of JPN content after how heavily they tried to promote that region these last few years. I think while a lot of stuff looks good, there were the odd games that look pretty bad/ boring. (eg: Indy is doing nothing for me, just a very poor showing for that game). Otherwise, I think a lot of the stuff just kind of start blending into one another, which is a problem I'd say the xbox showcase usually has.

But for me, Perfect Dark looked really cool. Interested to see more on that. Maybe South of Midnight too. AC looked nice too, def showing some stuff I'd like to see in a GoT2. So will see how that one pans out. The rest doesn't interest me much tbqh.

Just wondering about your Indy comment.  From a person who grew up watching the first Indiana Jones movie and all the sequels, this representation of Indy is spot on. There was no real gameplay showing in this trailer but what was shone as far as presentation was right on point with how the character is portrayed in the films especially the first 3 which is more relevant.  Its hard to describe but this is to me probably the most realistic representation of the character and the first  movies I have seen in a game.  I am wondering if you have seen the first 3 movies or even like the character in general.

One thing about the showcase for me is that  a lot of games are coming to GP and out of those games everyone of them I want to play.  For someone who has invested in GP like I have, to see so many games of different types coming to the service makes my decision of investing in the service worth its price.  There was nothing that blended one into the other for me as I thought there was enough separation of different genre from one to another so that you did not get fatigue watching 5 FPS in a row or something along those lines.