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zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

They're legally obligated to have the game on a Nintendo platform. If it turns out they're reneging on that deal they're going to have a shit ton of headaches with the justice department in any kind of purchase they try and make in the future, I doubt they are stupid enough to try and risk that over basically nothing. 

Their detractors in the justice department, various other regulatory bodies (like the U.K.) and other lawyers who are itching to bring anti-trust lawsuits against Microsoft would have a field day with them reneging on that stipulation in their Activision buy out. They'd be singing from the rooftops on that one the next time MS tries to buy any company, not even gaming related. 

So do you think Nintendo will alow a game on its handheld that's online only seems like it could be problem.

It's going to be on Switch 2. I think that "online only" thing is bullshit anyway, they want people to have to have some bullshit "Activision/Microsoft" account and that basically forces it. With the Switch 2 version it could work like Nintendo's NSO service does where it checks if you're online a certain period before but you can then play the games, like you can play N64, NES, SNES NSO titles on the Switch in airplane mode (offline). You just have to make sure you login online once a week or whatever arbitrary period they want to set. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 10 June 2024