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zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

COD Black Ops 6? The game that's on the 11 year old PS4? Like do you even do 5 seconds of research with some of your posts? 

Some of you guys are completely detached from the reality of the business of this industry, but for people who know are seeing things like Playstation's own former president saying costs are way out of control and almost every new gaming exec basically confirming that. 

The few developers that have tried to push graphics this gen with games like Senua's Saga and Immortals Aveum I'm not so sure are "loving" their sales figures. 

Cod6 is online only and switch being a handheld and all games are suppose to able to be experienced that way. I wonder if Nintendo would even allow that.

They're legally obligated to have the game on a Nintendo platform. If it turns out they're reneging on that deal they're going to have a shit ton of headaches with the justice department in any kind of purchase they try and make in the future, I doubt they are stupid enough to try and risk that over basically nothing. 

Their detractors in the justice department, various other regulatory bodies (like the U.K.) and other lawyers who are itching to bring anti-trust lawsuits against Microsoft would have a field day with them reneging on that stipulation in their Activision buy out. They'd be singing from the rooftops on that one the next time MS tries to buy any company, not even gaming related. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 10 June 2024