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zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

This generation is already baked in, was pretty much the moment Microsoft announced XBox Series S.

There isn't going to be a large jump forward in anything until Playstation 6 in 2028 and even then there is going to be a long, long, looooooooooooooooong cross gen period, it's not like most developers even are going to jump in and start making PS6 only games in 2028.

There's no one in this business right that's sitting there saying "you know what I need right now? My gaming budgets to double again over what they already are today", let alone triple, quadruple again. There's no appetite in this business for that whatsoever. If there even was looking at the sales figures of things like Senua's Saga, Alan Wake 2, Immortals Aveum and even things like the recent Final Fantasy games are a sobering wake up call that going upwards in presentation/visual spend does not bring more sales with it. 

Switch 2 will be great for all types of games, 1st and yes 3rd party games too, so will the growing segment of portable consoles, and probably even Switch 2 Pro which is probably going to happen this generation unless Nintendo can manufacture a COVID boost (unlikely).

Xbox s games could start running 20-30fps in the near future it's not like they are huge market to begin with and developers don't care they love pushing graphics. COD  of duty is gonna be online only as well do I don't know how they gonna get that game to work on Switch 2.

COD Black Ops 6? The game that's on the 11 year old PS4? Like do you even do 5 seconds of research with some of your posts? 

Some of you guys are completely detached from the reality of the business of this industry, but for people who know are seeing things like Playstation's own former president saying costs are way out of control and almost every new gaming exec basically confirming that. 

The few developers that have tried to push graphics this gen with games like Senua's Saga and Immortals Aveum I'm not so sure are "loving" their sales figures.