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LurkerJ said:

Briahna Joy Gray firing from the Hill is being celebrated by right-wingers all over the internet, funny. 

This is one of the prominent voices on the right (on the internet circles at least) who celebrated her firing; recently he's been caught in a lie that is rooted in his obsession with..... identity politics?  

I don't understand how the independent media of the American right is so much more successful than that of the left when it comes to funding and reach when the faces of it someone like Dave Rubin. 

They get backed by the power elite that are interested in pushing the "us vs them" narrative to keep people divided and fighting among themselves.

The left is also most successful when using the "us vs them" rhetoric, far less successful trying the us and them narrative. It's human herd/pack mentality, protect the group, beware of outsiders.

It's an evolutionary trait, hard to break, easy to exploit. The right plays full in on this, the left tries to be more inclusive but still needs to resort to rebelling against the right to maintain support. The power elite only have to stoke the fires and enjoy the spoils.

Us vs them, black and white views of issues is easier and feels good. Thinking for yourself is hard work, much easier to have someone tell you what to think, and the easier and clearer the message, the better. Hence religion. Naturally people get drawn to the easier feel good narratives. Thus much more interest in the Russia-Ukraine war than the Middle East mess, and much more interest in Transgender and Abortion issues than dealing with systemic racism and inequality. (And climate change, that just moves too slow for people to care about)

Plus outrage, scandals, people just love to feel offended. Bread and circuses, divide and conquer. The Romans figured it out long ago. It's hard to get support to fight basic human nature :/