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Pemalite said:
SanAndreasX said:

It's a cult. As long as he empowers their worst impulses, they'll support him. They wouldn't care if he were convicted of first degree rape or first degree murder, they'd come up for excuses for why his victim deserved it. 

I just don't get what people see in him.

For months he chanted "Lock her up, lock her up" in regards to Hillary. - And as soon as he becomes a convicted criminal he literally LIES and says he never said it... And starts acting like the victim to garner sympathy.

I am a firm believer in treating others the way you wish to be treated, so this is just going full circle and he is just receiving what he dished out.

In one respect, he succeeded beyond their wildest dreams: Stacking the Supreme Court, which is leading to the wholesale collapse of all of the civil rights rulings made by the Warren Court (plus Roe, which was a 7-2 ruling by the Burger Court, which had been stacked with conservatives). 

Roe and affirmative action are dead. They'll likely set their sights on Obergefell v. Hodges (gay marriage), and perhaps even Lawrence v. Texas (which nullified anti-sodomy laws and overturned a 1980s ruling, Bowers v. Hardwick, that upheld a Georgia statute that criminalized oral and anal sex and targeted gays). Clarence Thomas even suggested that Griswold v. Connecticut (which established a right to privacy for married couples in regards to family planning) might be revisited.

In 1873, the United States Congress passed the Comstock Laws, which criminalized all kinds of behavior as being "immoral," largely because of the lobbying of a postal inspector named Anthony Comstock (this is who the villain of Bioshock Infinite, Zachary Hale Comstock, is based on). The civil rights rulings of the mid-1900s were ones that found the Comstock laws to be unconstitutional and unenforceable. 

One of the worst nightmares Trump could inflict would be to win a second term and pressure Alito and Thomas, the two oldest jurists on the Supreme Court, to resign, then confirm two younger replacements that will be on the bench for decades to come. 

I don't know if you have evangelicals (Christian fundamentalists) in Australia, but they are Trump's primary base of support in the United States.