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Norion said:
Soundwave said:

I think games that aren't driven by graphics appeal like Fortnite and Genshin Impact and Roblox are the future of big brand 3rd party games ... not necessarily graphics driven games. These types of games are largely fuelled by Youtube influencers and social media following and word of mouth on the school yard (well at least that part of it is old fashioned). That's going to be more important than graphics performance. 

Times are changing, graphics in games are becoming like special effects/CGI in movies ... no one really cares that much if you have the best CGI in a movie anymore because what's already the standard looks "good enough" anyway. 

With PS4 I think we definitely crossed the threshold where PS4 games still look "good" many years into the next generation, this will get even worse going forward where PS6 will have an even harder time pushing beyond the PS5 for example. Wouldn't surprise me at all for PS6 for example to see cross-gen periods that last basically the entire generation for more than just a few developers. 

That would make sense since something that can run on low end hardware will have a much larger potential audience. Though there will still be a place for the demanding stuff that pushes visuals or something else. 

There's still ways to go in terms of improving real time graphics but sometime next decade the peak will probably get so close to photorealism that it'll lose its wow factor like CGI has. And I have doubts about it lasting that long since by the early 2030's barely anyone is gonna be buying games on the PS5 but I guess we'll see since I did not expect COD to still be supporting the PS4 and Xbox One for this long.

Wait till more and more blockbusters end up coming out on smartphones. That is whether people want to admit it or not, the largest untapped audience going forward, smartphones are the biggest gaming platform. And eventually the phones are going to become powerful enough to cross into PS5-level threshold at which point a developer is going to face the dilemma of producing something that can reasoning run even on devices like that or spend more to sell to a smaller audience.