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hellobion2 said:

I cannot believe the news that he was indited on all counts. It seems from what I have heard from many people that Trump would do much better if he focused on talking about the politics and not speak about the trials he is dealing with. Probably take a note from Biden and lay low.

just a quick calcification as most people don't really follow the ins and outs of our justice system:

  • When we say he is indicted we mean that he was charged.  This means that a grand jury (not the DA itself) looked at the case the DA's office made and based on the evidence chose to indict him.  Most people (thanks to Trump) don't realize that the DA, or Biden, or any other government office isn't the one who indicts people.  It is a jury of regular people like you and me.  
  • Therefore, the fact that he is charged at all means that a jury of his peers has already found that a crime most likely occurred.  Once the grand jury makes a decision, its pretty much a given that the DA has to follow through and file the charges.  The court gives the jury a chance to hear from both parties and render a verdict.  
  • The sentence that I highlighted in your quote should read:  I can't believe the news he was found guilty on all counts.  
  • If he wasn't indicted, there would be no trial.