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Chazore said:

Honestly, as nicely laid out as your review is (and it honestly is, compared to most modern journo "reviews" are), I'm siding with Mando on this, in that I really feel BB fumbled the ball with HW3, I'd say as bad as they did with HW2, but HW and Cataclysm they knocked it out of the park.

You know something's bad when a game breaks Mando down to a point of losing his own mind (not in the "it's crazy good" way either). 

I have to say, his pretty spot on with his review. Through I don't think it's as bad as its implied. He seems to really hate the story, that's fair, the story didn't bother me as much as it did with him. He might be onto something with the game delays and layoffs which could have hurt this games development. The game does look to have built its foundation for future content so hoping BBI continue to polish, fix and add more to this package.

I agree with you on Homeworld (One) and Homeworld: Cataclysm. They were peak Homeworld, 2 absolute masterpieces. However from memory I recall Cataclysm getting flak on release, probably because it wasn't a direct sequel to the original, similar to how Zelda: Majora's Mask released, not living up to Ocarina of Time, yet both games I feel aged better than most of the series, especially Cataclysm, it was a game no one asked for but we got it anyway and was criticized at launch, seems to be now one of the fan favorites in the entire series. I am waiting the day it gets a Remake.