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I think BotW is the obvious choice here. I guess some people will vote their favorite game, while some people are saying they are thinking about the game that was the most revolutionary in terms of advancing the medium. Most revolutionary I think comes down to Mario 64, OoT, and BotW. M64 and OoT showed the industry how to make 3D games. BotW showed the industry how to make a game that truly gives the player total freedom to do what they want. TotK probably did that even more in an impressive way, but it was an evolution on the revolution that BotW was.

As amazing as M64 and OoT are, and they are still fantastic to play today, part of the reason they were so revolutionary was because they were in the early days of 3D. That doesn't change the magnificence of their accomplishment, but they are partly revolutionary just because it was the early days and nobody had yet figured out how to make incredible 3D games yet. BotW, however, came along long after open world games have existed, and completely blew them all away.

Playing BotW gives most people a sense of wonder and a feeling of "wow, this is what we dreamed gaming would be like one day as a kid, not just better graphic and bigger games, but creating a world where you can do anything!" TotK took that even further, though is usually compared less favorably to BotW because its simply an evolution on BotW and because he borrowed the map and so for many didn't feel enough like an actual new game but just a rehashing of BotW. Games will of course continue to advance well beyond BotW in the future, as there is still a ton of room to grow beyond it, just as was the case for M64 and OoT, but I think BotW is the first good realization of the dream of what gaming could be. BotW did that despite 3D games and open world games being advanced and around for a long long time. It's the kind of advance I don't think people even thought was possible these days in gaming, which is why they were so blown away by it.

BotW is one of the most impressive games ever made, one of the best games every made, and one of the most revolutionary games ever made. And it'll be the model going forward for the gaming industry for a long time. So I voted for it.