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Azzanation said:
LurkerJ said:

That's one review out of a 100? all games play by these rules, there is always going to be scores way off the mean for valid or invalid reasons (I am not sure where Jim's review fall, but really, he's not wrong about Bethesda being less broken than before isn't worthy of celebrating at least). 

Mate, you don't need to feel the pressure to justify Xbox terrible record on exclusives. Besides, the game will come to the PS5 sooner than later, and it will be re-reviewed again and you will see for yourself that exclusivity had nothing to do with the score (unless they ship a vastly different game).  

If it releases on other platforms and it's the latest version, it's expected to review better, but you could also argue that it scores better because it is multiplatform. Sea of thieves on XB1 scored a 69, came out again on PS5 and its sitting on an 81. It is nothing new. 

Sea of thieves is different because it has had 6 years of updates and new content