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Zkuq said:
Azzanation said:

Starfield was one of those games that has received a lot of flak for its release. Probably due to its exclusivity since a lot of the flak does not make a lot of sense.

What a terrible way to start a review, by dismissing the opinions of those that didn't enjoy the game. A lot of the flak makes perfect sense if you're just willing to acept that people can and do have different opinions.

Just for the record, I'm glad you enjoyed the game, and I did too, almost through the entire game, but there is certainly room for a lot of valid critique, which is evidently somewhat divisive. I agree about a lot of the critique the game has got, but it didn't hurt my experience too badly for dozens of hours - but I have little trouble seeing how it could ruin the entire game for a lot of people. I saw the people initially receive the game well on Steam, only for the reception to turn quite sour after the people got to spend more time with the game. Personally I couldn't recommend the game in good conscience to anyone without knowing their taste really well, because the game has a fairly high chance of disappointing unless you know what you're getting into. For a game I got for "free" with my new CPU, I'm quite happy, but I'm also really happy I didn't have to (explicitly) pay for it (not that I would have, because I knew long in advance that the setting simply doesn't interest me that much, but I digress).

People are entitled to their opinions, but I don't agree with them which is my personal take on it. Everything written about the game seems way too extreme. No where am i calling Starfield a 10/10 game but some of the complaints mentioned in alot of the media reviews did not affect my time with the game.

JRPGfan said:
Azzanation said:

Well here is one example. Jim sterling gave the game a 4/10

Here is a quote from his review

"To call Starfield the least broken Bethesda game is akin to calling any single TERF the least embarrassing fascist. Then again, given how Zenimax and Bethesda seem to treat trans employees, that comparison may hit too close to home."

Ill let you process that and come to your own conclusion.

Azzanation are you claiming Jim Sterlin is a console warrior who is playstation biased, and thats why he gave it a 4/10???

That dude is a huge PC guy, afaik.

No where did I call Jim a Playstation fanboy. I brought up his review and I disagree with it because when you review a game and bring up outside politics like he did, it defeats all purpose of having a valid opinion on a video game. Thats how I see it, you may disagree with that logic, but I won't. 

And yes, Jim is a PC guy. I know.