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firebush03 said:

Super Mario 64. Arguably the most revolutionary title for the industry of gaming.

- The development of this game went hand-in-hand with the creation of the N64. With this, one of the big innovations we would see was the introduction of analogue control. And looking beyond just that, it was with the N64 in which the C-buttons (Camera-buttons) was first introduced, the “R” button would be mapped to the now industry-standard choice of button for recalibrating the camera behind a character, etc.

- Examining the game design of this title, it would be with this game in which the groundwork for 3D video game development would be established: (i) Use of shadows to assist players in depth perception, (ii) Introduction of far more smooth control scheme in comparison to the standard “tank controls” from the time, (iii) etc.

- Looking at the impact this title had on the industry as well the N64, the industry would see what is generally considered the “Golden Age of 3D Platformers/Collectathons”. Examples include Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Banjo Kazooie, Conker, (later on) Rachet & Clank, etc.

- From the perspective of how this title evolved the Mario formula, it would be with this game in which the (i) ground pound, (ii) dive, (iii) triple jump, (iv) wall jump, (v) long jump, (vi) side jump, (viii) etc etc., would all be introduced: No other 3D nor 2D Mario title had ever re-constructed the movement of Mario in such a revolutionary way. And would be with this title in which Mario would break free from linear progression for the first time, embracing a more “sandbox” sort of style.

…And I could go on-and-on with regards to all that this game did. I won’t argue that this is Nintendo’s greatest game (that title is reserved for Zelda TotK/BotW), though it certainly is the greatest achievement in their development of video games without question IMO.

It gotta be Super Mario 64. I could go on and on about this game but firebush03 have already done it, nicely done