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Mar1217 said:
Leynos said:

Already been stated in the thread no Monolith is not able to. They have gone on record about it. It's a big job and it was either pot that or make a new game. They could not do both. They need a support studio to port it.

I doubt a support studio with no internal knowledge of Monolith Soft's engine can simply do a port of a WiiU game to the newest version of the engine Monolith used for Xenoblade 3 or their next game, depending if they're gonna make important changes to it again considering the upcoming new generation.

Seems to me the kind of project that can only be done with the people in the know, mainly their core teams.

Anywoo, the interview you speak is now from good time back, decisions like these can change. They finished the trilogy they wanted to. If it comes to a choice between another new game and the remaster/remake of Xenoblade X, it ultimately could land in X's favor considering this is the beginning of a new generation and starting with a re-built "spin-off" wouldn't be a bad choice considering this could lead into the construct of a sequel following it's release.

Xenoblade 3D for the NEW 3DS was ported by Monster Games. But going from an old engine to the new engine would certainly be a huge undertaking. Don't know if Monster Games ported there engine to New 3DS or if it was already there for use.

Ultimately I think X will only get revived if they plan to carry on its story, which i hope they don't. The mainline games have been so much better.


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