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This may be a "sales" website but this thread specifically is a Microsoft Discussion forum, a subtopic thread, focused on the technical aspects of the game. If you want to talk about sales then go and make a thread about the sales instead of being lazy and dragging it into another thread.

It's annoying to come into a thread which is solely focused on the technical aspect of things, only to see "BUT TANGO! BOMBA! STUDIO IN TROUBLE RIP!" narratives, are we not able to just focus on the topic at hand and discuss that? Are we not able to celebrate the positives? Instead we need to drown out that out with off-topic dooming.

If this thread was about Hellblade in general it wouldn't be off-topic but it's not, it's about the technical side.

Also, DreamcastGuy is the last guy you should be listening to, dude is an absolute clown.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 25 May 2024