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What's baffling about this 2024 version is that they adopted the screentext display of the non-RPG Paper Mario games. Now you can neither make the whole text appear with a button press nor activate fast-forward with a different button like in the 2004 version. You are forced to wait until the whole text is displayed. This is the same bullshit that we've seen in the Zelda series where Twilight Princess finally abolished the "you have to wait" nonsense, only to see Skyward Sword go back to this rubbish.

It's great that the 2024 version fixes the biggest flaw of the original version: The item management. You can now carry 15 instead of only 10 items, and more importantly, the storage room now moves quickly instead of having to slowly handle one item at a time. But the screentext... gosh. The bothersome item system of the original occured only every now and then, but screentext is something that's omnipresent. This is so bad that the 2024 version does not constitute a net gain over the 2004 version; all the things that have seen slight improvements are offset by this screentext problem. The longer reading sections now take several minutes instead of a couple minutes; add this up over the course of the game and it's undeniable that this just sucks. What makes this so frustrating is that this is something so basic that developers have to make the deliberate choice to make it suck; this could have been avoided so easily.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.