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Renamed said:
shavenferret said:


"You must be a communist that hates America. Look, go eat some apple pie and watch baseball, you'll set yourself right soon enough."

Thank you.  I love watching my points be validated.  I am interested in knowing why the redaction?

DarthMetalliCube said:

Propaganda I equate far more to media - news outlets, editorials, etc. You can make the argument that there is propaganda in art and entertainment, but these fields have the burden of actually having to have some merit or value in order to succeed and be popular. They have to be compelling on some level or people won't pay them any mind and they'll wither away.

Then call it Trickle-Down-Propaganda. As for the compelling nature of successful propaganda, the popularity of an idea can be determined by the wording of the message, the elan of the speaker, history of the region, or association with related issues. Rarely is propaganda direct. 

I'm sure you won't discount the vast volume of vocal outrage from the right claiming that Hollywood, Disney, music, all in bed with the Democrats?  And that they repeatedly call it all propaganda? Does it only count if the right claims it so?

fair point, but again - I leave it up to the market to decide. Money talks, bs walks. Etc (and look at the waning popularity of Disney and Hollywood lately. Tells me something). I certainly wouldn't support quelling the voices of writers/actors/directors or whoever else, or shutting down or "punishing" Hollywood, Disney, or whatever other mainstream form of entertainment b/c they lean heavily on agendas I don't often agree with or I think are overdone. Like some seem to be at least indirectly advocating for when it comes to certain comiedians/comedy. I simply don't watch (or rarely do at least). This was a simple concept that the left, funny enough, used to be the biggest advocates of.

I'm fine with (actually great with) certain artists/entertainers losing popularity if they continue peddling messages that are negative/poor/toxic, etc. but it should be organic. 

Last edited by DarthMetalliCube - on 18 May 2024


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden