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Soundwave said:

My guess is 

112 million PS5s

38 million XBox Series S/X (dropping hard now)

For 150 million total. 

Not bad, but not really what I would call great either. Way below the 360 + PS3 and a decline from the PS4 + XBox though that's not all Sony's fault as MS is crashing and burning. 

I wonder if PS6 is going to be like just 105-110 million flat and almost nothing from XBox until MS just leaves stationary hardware if this trend continues. 

This isn't a good pattern to have declining hardware while you have massively increase in the cost of software. Like that's not a healthy balance. 

PS2+XB-183m (NA-69m, EU-62m, JP-24m, RoW-28m)

PS3+360-173m (NA-76m, EU-56m, JP-12m, RoW-29m)

PS4+XBO-175m (NA-71m, EU-61m, JP-10m, RoW-33m)

Japan saw a large drop from Gen 6 to Gen 7 but other than that, the PS+XB ecosystem has been quite stable, globally and per region. I think this shows a few notable things.

1. The PS & XB ecosystems are in large part interchangeable and their sales are dependent on one another. In other words, if one sees growth then the other must see a decline (PS going from 158m to 77m to 117m & XB going from 25m to 85m to 58m).

2. Many people “age out” of gaming as they get older and acquire more responsibilities (established careers, raising families, home ownership, etc) and have traditionally been replaced by new kids/teens who “age into” gaming on these platforms.

3. Developing regions saw massive growth in the 90s/00s. Europe, SNES+GEN-17m, PS1+N64-37m, PS2+XB-62m. RoW, SNES+GEN-4m, PS1+N64-10m, PS2+XB-28m. Growth in these regions have stagnated for the PS+XB ecosystems. 

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.