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A curious strategy to give as key reasons for your prediction... a bunch of questions.
Although it´s reasonable to ask questions if you don´t understand basic elements.
The thing is, your angle of a smaller company buying bigger is what describes the alternate deal, albeit in form of reverse buy-out.
In fact, I believe that deal is hinged on further debt, while Sony´s proposition with Apollo investment fund is not.
(so, had one tried to specify a value of debt before commenting on it, one could recognize that said value may be zero)
AFAIK, the idea is Sony would not own stations which are under US anti-foreign ownership regulations, Apollo would.
These are functionally distinct business units which had long existed separate from e.g. film studios, so I don´t see problem in separating them.
Mostly I see it as about scale, either for own offering via Paramount CBS´ steaming platform, or in deals with other streaming partners.
Paramount has a lot of distribution for deals for outside properties.
Am I particularly happy about this kind of deal? No. But it seems like it makes more sense than MS´ ABK acquisition at peak just before crash.
And I was expecting deals in this area (media), before anything major in gaming.
So I guess that is a ¨mostly disagree¨.